Choice of six NHS services

If you have an urgent health problem, you have a choice of six NHS services:

For many urgent health problems, it is better for you to contact other service providers rather than the medical practice.

Further information on choosing the best service to contact for help see NHS services.

Telephoning NHS 111

Telephone 111. You will be assessed, given advice and directed straight away to the local service that can help you best. Calls to NHS 111 are free from landlines and mobile phones. You can also use the NHS 111 online service

Seeing your local pharmacist

Pharmacists can give advice on lots or problems including simple infections, allergies & minor injuries. Most areas of Swindon have a local pharmacy who would be happy to give advice & provide you with any medication or dressings they think are appropriate for your problem.

For further information and advice please see ‘Common problems Your Pharmacist Can Help With’.

Carfax Street Walk In Centre

The nurse practitioners based in the walk-in centre can deal with most urgent health problems in people of any age. They have a sit and wait system with no booked appointments. Carfax Street Walk In Centre contact details and opening hours.

Children’s Clinic

Telephone: 01793 646 466

They can deal with any urgent health problems in children aged 0 to 11 years of age. Please phone on the above number before attending.

Telephoning the Medical Centre

Telephone: 01793 342000

Your details will be taken by a receptionist who can offer advice about the best service to access for treatment which includes the option of booking you in with a doctor or the Urgent care clinic (see below) run from the medical centre.

The Urgent care clinic is based in Moredon Medical Centre but is staffed by doctors and nurses employed by Great Western Hospitals. The clinic is open 8am to 8pm seven days a week. Appointments are only for urgent problems and can be booked via Moredon Medical Centre staff. All appointments are on the day and so cannot be booked ahead. To book an appointment in the clinic please phone 01793 342000.

Surgery Opening Times.

Going to the Accident and Emergency Department

Accident and Emergency Department at Great Western Hospitals

This is open 24 hours a day and if you have had an accident, feel that you need an urgent X-ray, stitches to a cut or have a large burn or other serious illness (for example severe chest pain or a collapse) it is advisable to go straight to casualty. If someone is very ill, they should get to casualty by dialling 999 and asking for an ambulance. For those who are less ill, you should make your own way to casualty.

Casualty is not the place to go with flu, vomiting etc. You should see your GP in the practice with this type of problem.