Contacting us via eConsult

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We are constantly working to improve the experience of our patients and eConsult offers a safe and convenient alternative to reaching us by phone.

We are constantly working to improve the experience of our patients and eConsult offers a safe and convenient alternative to reaching us by phone.

Over 2,000 patients use eConsult each month to request a consultation with their GP by completing a quick online form that is reviewed by the practice team.

The free online service also provides self-help information, pharmacy advice, and directs patients to local NHS services.

As eConsult becomes more popular it’s important we can continue to manage requests in a safe and timely way. Therefore, eConsult will temporarily close to requests for consultations when we reach the maximum number that we can safely manage each day.

eConsult will re-open from 08:00 the next day until we reach the maximum number of requests we can safely manage.

While eConsult is unavailable, patients should phone their surgery, or for urgent healthcare advice, phone NHS 111 or visit

We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause but maintaining safe care must always be our priority.