Useful Outside Contacts

In addition to the contacts and telephone numbers found in the sections below, also see our Health Organisations area to view Local and National web resources.

Hospitals & Clinics

GWH01793 604020
Savernake01672 514571
Sandlewood Ct (Psychiatry)01793 836800
Marlborough House (Child Psychiatry)01793 428800
Victoria (Psychiatry for the Elderly)01793 327800
PASH (Help for people who self harm)01793 531897
SWADS (Alcohol & drug addiction)01793 695405
DHI (Drug addiction)                                              01793 617177
Time 4 us (for carers of those with drug / alcohol problems)01793 610139
Uturn (Alcohol & Drug Addiction in those aged 10 -18) 01793 465040
Dietbusters (weight loss courses)01793 511033
Sexual disease clinic01793 604038
Prospect Hospice01793 813555
Ridgeway Hospital (Private)01793 814848
NHS Walk in Centre01793 541655
Clover Centre Out of Hours Clinic01793 646466

The NHS Walk in Centres provide a nurse run walk in service (no appointment needed) in Carfax St Health Centre or the Clover Unit (part of the A&E department) in the Great Western Hospital and are available to everyone. They provide health advice, emergency contraception, dressings, ear syringing, blood tests & treatment for minor injuries & infections. Carfax Street is open seven days a week 7.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 8.00pm weekends. The Clover Unit is open only at times when Carfax Street is closed.

Ambulance Transport

Non Urgent Hospital Transport01380 733418
Private Ambulance Transport01380 738915

Medical Helplines

NHS 111
111 is the NHS non-emergency number.
It’s fast, easy and free.
Patient Advice & Liason Services01793 708758
MIND Infoline08457 660163
Self Injury Helpline (for women)0117 925 1119
Gambling addiction0845 6000 133
Drug abuse0800 776600
Alcohol abuse0800 9178282
Smoking0800 1690169
AIDS0800 567123
Cancer (Macmillan support line)0808 808 0000

Dental Helplines

Out of hours dentist (emergencies only)0300 111 5717
Dental Access Clinic (For urgent dental problems if you do not have a regular dentist)Carfax Street:
01793 428580
West Swindon Health Centre:
01793 889428
Dental helpline (For finding dentists & other dental queries)08457 581926
Oral Health Foundation (For advice on dental problems)01788 539780

At Times of Crisis

Mental Health crisis team01793 835787
Samaritans helpline116 123
Self harming (SPEAR)01793 520111
Childline0800 1111
Victim support01380 738888
Victim supportline0845 3030900
Rape (Rape Support Line)0808 8001144
Swindon sexual assault centre01793 507981
Swindon sexual assault helpline08081680024
Domestic violence helpline0808 200247
Womens’ Refuge01793 536447

Counselling Clinics

Counselling groups (LIFT)01793 836836
Adults (Willows Counselling Service)01793 426650
Bereavement (CRUSE)01793 619933
Relationship/ Sexual problems (RELATE)01793 495190

Women & Mens’ Health

Womens’ Health

Well Woman Clinic01793 511064
Contraception & Sexual Health Clinics01793 428514
Sexual councelling clinic (RELATE)01793 495190
Marie Stopes (abortion advice & help)0845 3008090

Mens’ Health

Well Man Clinic01793 511064
Sexual councelling clinic (RELATE)01793 495190
Marie Stopes (Vasectomy clinic)0845 3008090

Family Advice

Home – Start (For families with kids under 5 yrs)01793 613886
Parentline0808 8002222
Family Mediation Service01793 527285
Family councelling service (RELATE)01793 495190
Lone Parent Helpline0800 0185026
Winston’s Wish (Children’s Bereavement Service)0845 2030405
Child Death Helpline0800 282 986
Child bereavement UK01494 568900
Butterflies child bereavement group in Swindon01793 605133

Teenage Helplines

Connexions (Teen support)0808 0013219
Get connected (advice on any issue)0808 8084994
Sexwise (advice on sex & contraception)0800 282930
Drugs helpline0800 776600
Re – Solv (solvent use)01785 810762
Youth Information Swindon01793 496969

Disabled Services

Disability information service01793 537588
Mencap0808 8081111
Dial a ride01793 616050
Shopmobility01793 512621

Learning Disability

Mencap0808 808 1111
British Institute of Learning Disabilities01562 723010

Military & Veterans Advice

Forcesline0800 7314880
Combat stress0800 1381619
Veterans UK 0800 169227
Veterans Aid0800 0126867
Legionline0845 725725
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and families association   08007314880
Army Benevolent fund08452414820
RAF Benevolent Fund08001692942
Royal Navy Benevolent Fund02392690112
Service Users Network Swindon01793 836871
British limbless ex-serviceman’s association0208 5901124


The Harbour Project01793 611682
The Refugee Council020 7346 6777

Senior Citizens

Age UK0800 1696565
Contact the elderly (tea parties)0800 716543
Elder abuse response0808 8088141
Eye checks at home for the housebound0800 030 4082 or
0500 295245 (ext 250) or
0845 601 7241


Carers UK0808 8087777
Focus on carers & self help01793 531133

Financial Help

Social services01793 489530
Benefits advice0808 8022000
Citizens advice bureau0845 0505155
National Debtline0808 8084000


Registrar (births & deaths)01793 521734
Funeral Directors: Blackwell01793 611060
Funeral Directors: Coop01793 491091
Funeral Directors: Hillier01793 522145
Funeral Directors: Smith01793 522023
Funeral Directors: Pearce01793 832072
Swindon Council Customer Services01793 445500
NHS Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)01793 683700
Information on blood donation0300 1232323

Useful Publications

Book / DocumentAvailable From
Your guide to the NHSYour practice (free)
The pregnancy bookMidwives (free)
Birth to five
(Child development & illness)
Health visitors (free)
BMA complete family health guideBookshops
British Red Cross Practical first aidBookshops
Employee’s Statement of Sickness (SC2)