Good Medication Management is Important

Please pre-empt ordering prescriptions to avoid medication running out.

If you are given 56 days of tablets and you have 7 days left, order your new prescription. In the case of any emergency your regular pharmacist will give you a couple of tablets until you get your new prescription.

It is good practice that repeat medication is regularly reviewed so that you get optimum care. Please make note of the review date and make an appointment to see the doctor.

If you are going on holiday you should take a list of your medication with you. In case you have a problem ENSURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH MEDICATION TO COVER YOUR HOLIDAY. SOME COUNTRIES ALSO NEED A DOCTOR’s LETTER TO EXPLAIN THE MEDICATION. Check with your travel agent.

If you have elderly relatives ensure that they have an adequate supply of their medication. Dossette boxes/blister packs can be arranged if they have a large amount of medication to take.